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Sunday, February 28, 2010

is just THEM


Yup, I love doggies much and of cause I love all of my dogs. Although two of them were already a past tense its means they left me…
Let the story begin…Well, when I stayed from a flat shift to a double-story house and all after my granddad had passed away, cause of loneliness, then started to rear my first dog in my life, that is in year 2oo6. It is a black MINI PINCHIERE.

One day, I was just about leaving the house off to the shop to get something, then Cassy showing his pitiful face because he don’t want to be alone at home. So I took him out from the cage and let him to be at the car compound. The moment I came back, I would not want to accept the truth that I won’t gonna be seeing Cassy anymore. And ya, he was LOST! Cause of my fault…how can I done this mistake by sympathized him and left him alone outside….my brain gone blank that moment, am so worried n tears keep dropping out from my eyes, i was going around the housing area like a mad person searching for him.
“I don’t want to lose him” inside my heart said...

After minutes and minutes, hours and hours passed by… I still can’t find him. So I knew that…. Cassy had been stolen by idiot strangers! Oh god, I was freaking sad that moment…He was not longer with me now and forever. ):

Kidnapped by people, he just disappear like that..
Can’t get to hear him anymore…
Few days passed by….
My moods were just emo and emo, how can I get out from this very SAD days? What I’ve remembered, during the weekend, my parents took me to the pet shop to get another new member of the house. Firstly I stepped into the pet shop, I saw a HIM. A HIM that much more active than the others dog and barking non-stop inside the cage, I was totally attracted by HIM because he looks same alike my previous dog - Cassy. Get more about his details from the dog seller,
But is brown in colour,
Was still a puppy that time
after me and my parent’s discussion, at last we decided to bring him home with us. And yup, he is part of our family (: what a name I should put for him? About the past, I was still sad about it and can’t even forget so once again I named this HIM into CASSY.

When he was a puppy, kinda naughty

Give me five! Good boy x)


 We’ve been living together for about two years, and then suddenly one day, his body got weak so we bring him to the veterinary. We got a damn bad news about what he was suffering, is a kidney affection problem.

Finally on 16 of January 2oo9, he got to leave us and shift to heaven. God, why all this have to be happen? I love his so much, but now you are taking him away from me? How hard am I to continue my life without him by my side, who gonna hear what my heart feelings now? At evening, I want to take him for a walk, feed him, bath him, give him treats and ordered him to sit, stand, give me five, up, down etc…
I can’t do many things anymore that related to him, I really do miss him. Until now, I’m typing this post and still can’t control my tears not to drop down…
Can I know how he is now in heaven? Is he fine? Is he happy? Is he married? Is he going well with his own family? Many and many question I wanted to ask you Cassy… do you still remember who I am? I’m fxxking missing you every each day. Every time I walked to the kitchen, your picture was hanging in front of it. Every time my eyes will just focus on your pictures, flash back into time us being together.
Do come back visit me if you can, tell me how are u going on now, touch my hand and ask for treats, bark at me once more, I misses your barking, is already one year and forty three days I didn’t hear your barking sound…Cassy, do you heard? Promise me all above that ok?

Took this when he was ill…

Now, this is the only naughty and stubborn one living with us~ Mischievous, Coward, rascal and cute. Yes! This is how I describe him x)
Casper, the cutie dog

Monday, February 22, 2010

cheer for FESTIVALS!

As we know that we living in a multiracial country. Therefore, each religion has its own festivals. For the Malays will celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Indians celebrate Deepavali which also known as Festival of lights, wherelse the Chinese, celebrate Chinese New Year.

Last Saturday (13th february) was the night where’s all family members reunion together for dinner, so my family and me when back home town which is at seremban, Mantin. Then Sunday (14th february) which fall the days of CHINESE NEW YEAR and VALENTINE. I saw on the web, people called this day as a chintine day. Special right? Heheee…so early in the morning, back to hometown again to attend mass, I don’t go to a temple because I’m not Buddhist but a catholic. Haha! We have special mass for Chinese new year, lion dance also appear after the end of the service, children were seem to enjoy the lion dance, some of them even scare cause the sound of the gongs! I do recorded it, but lazy to upload the video~ haha…accept my apology yo x) after that we went back my grandma home, this day the sons of the family will gather all together at the boy’s side hometown.

Then 15th February came by, is the daughters day to be gather in girl’s side hometown. But in our LIEW family, all the sons, daughter-in-law, daughters, son-in-law, grandchildren will have lunch together and spend time with grandma. When dished is served, we will first start a dish called “Prosperity Yee Sang”, all family member used a pair of chopsticks to mix it up the ingredients and raise high up together, we believed that the higher the yee sang been raised up, the more luck and prosper we’ll get.

Owhh! Is just eating and eating during Chinese new year! So be prepared to accept the increasing of body weight. Hahaha! and not to forget… the youngs will receive “ang pau” from the elder, which is a red packet containing money as a gift.

More and more festivals are coming up… are you guys ready to celebrate each festival with lots of joy? and let the parties begins! LOL.  I love festivals much, because....
whenever there’s a FESTIVALS, there’s a HOLIDAYS! yeaa~ Cheer! x)

here's some pictures, enjoy them people (:

gamble ING.... pleaseee don't call the cops XD

we in grandma's house

"rojak" decorate ornaments of my house
credits to : mom :)
the word - 福(fu) represent bleesing, happiness, good luck, and good fortune
the little cute ones in my family also celebrating together with us :D
lots of dishes for five tables @@"

shall i say the Steam Kampung Chicken is the main dish of the day?

most of our favorites~
pork's leg cook with black sause, ginger, vinegar etc...
sorry,  is not HALAL!
we are the grandchildren (:
then is time for fire crackers at night!
i loves my cousins <3

at last is so the LIEW's family members~

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Animal Rightssssss ``

Thousand of pet animals are homeless these day, we can see animals are roaming on the street some even like a beggar left on the five foot way. Do you sympathize for these animals?

So here’s a charity that do not receive any government assistance, they provides a shelter for animals which without home to stayed, are called the SPCA.
SPCA is to protect defenceless and also alleviate suffering.... Pets that are not longer desired by their own owners also send to here, and then they will try to rehome as many animals as possible.
People that are an animal’s lover are encouraged to adopt animals from here. SPCA have many mission include reduce animal overpopulation and eliminate cruelty, Sheltering animals and placing them into caring, responsible environments, and also enhancing the relationship between people and animal.

Now days, many of us receive lots of Christmas presents.... I’m sure not all of the present we like or either we need. And the truth is... not all animals are as lucky as us, many of them will spend the holidays trying to survive on the cold streets. What can we do for them? We can send a gift, or donate some money to the SPCA and help save homeless animal’s life. Then animals inside there will have a happy Christmas and wonderful years ahead! Animals have their own rights, so we must treat them like how we were suppose to been treated!

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals provide medical care and find loving homes for our animals only because of kind individuals donating to them. And yap, they receive no government funding.
Life is life, whether in a cat, a dog or human, there is no difference there between an animal or a human. The idea of difference is a human conception for man's own advantage.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Animal Rights!

What ya know about ANIMAL RIGHTS?

In my opinion, animal also have their rights which human do so. People hunted animals for food at first, then is theirs skins for our clothing and whatever we needed. Do we ever think about what those animal’s feelings that moment? Although we can’t read animal mind, but what if all these happened on our own self? Their feeling will be just as same as us, just that they can’t react what they feel...

I’m a pet lover, I mean I loves dog very much a lot! I had an email a couple years ago, is about China people abusing, killing, and being cruelty to dogs... when I saw those pictures they tied string on dog’s neck hang upside down, caging many of them in only one big cage, hit them with hammer, and then put them in a big pot of boiling hot water to cooked dog’s meat.
The moment I’ve read the last content of the email, a few drops of my tears started dropping down my face....my heart were pain! Such a big group of dog’s being killed then sell to the dog’s meat seller... isn’t that disgusting? While us, people were enjoying meal do think about eating our own beloved ones...
Yap, I admit i sympathize towards those animal cruelties. So everyone should think very seriously before deciding on whether to have a pet or not. It is a big responsibility to love your own pet; they will feel your loves toward them. If you were an animal how would you want to be treated?

The another common of animal abuse is mistreatment. Most of the animals are being dam out on the streets every day, already they can’t sound out their feelings. But the most sad thing is... these animals have done nothing wrong, people even failed to give animals the respect and rights they deserve. Try asking ourselves, why they been treated like that?

I’m not a vegetarian so I can’t talk off more ... but what I’m trying to say is... let’s know more about animal rights like what we do. What a pitiful if human keep hunting animal non-stop! Do think in future, what if animal that most killed will be lesser and lesser... and then it disappears? If animals does vanished from the planet, our future generation wouldn’t not have a chance to know the existence of these animal.

So let's get started to save ANIMAL and value their RIGHTS!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

raciAL haRmoNY `

I've mentioned that will have 2 post for the same enteries, so lets get started functioning my brain for more new idea to finished up this!
The previous post wrote off most bout my collegiess and different kind of races. So this post i'll roughly talk about tradition, culture and festival among religions. We are living in a multiracial country, so we must get to know those festival celebration of the three main races.

Lets get started from the Muslim friend first, Hari Raya Puasa- where muslim celebration on 1st. Syawal after fasting for a month, then will be Hari Raya Aidilfitri. This day they will visit relatives. When meeting up, they will also ask forgiveness to each other. the younger receive duit raya from the eldest, and not forget that..... the food they serve on Hari Raya plays the main role of all! what i love is the ketupat, lemang, curry rendang and etc . . . wohoooo~~

(source from- http://psscmump.blogspot.com/200...tri.html)

( source from- http://www.malaysiabest.net/2008...-lemang/)

well then, now lets turn up to the Hindu friends! when mention bout hindu, my mind sure flash back the bollywood movies i've seen! is a touching and great movies... one of my favorites celebrity is - SHAHRUKHKHAN, i watched his movie during my childhood days! x)
The hindu celebrate Deepavali, female wear Sari or Punjabi suit while male wear Dhoti. In front portion of houses have hand made KOLAM surrounding with small oil lamp to brighten it... is one the decoration for Deepavali (:

( source from- http://diwali-card.blogspot.com/...val.html )
this is the KOLAM

the another well known festival is the THAIPUSAM. this day hindu people will gather together in Batu Caves to worship God MURUGAM, the worshipers carrying their vows will pierce certain part of their bodies in fulfillment of their's vows.

( source from- http://mforum.cari.com.my/redire...lastpost )
the worshipers

ya, it's call Chinese New Year for the chinese is the next! =) this year it falls on 14 feb same as Valentine day. Taylor's buddies, no classes for 1 week~ cheer! x)  hahaa... On this big day, we'll hear everywhere with different sound from the fire crackers,  the dragon dance/ lion dance gongs and drum. For the chinese people, it is an auspicious making lots of sound this day!

Gonna share some pictures of my decorated house.

outside house view

little baby lion dance xD

lastly... all races living together adapting one and other's cultural, tradition, religious, and holidays, this makes Malaysia a multiracial harmoniest country among all!

Racial Harmony ``

this is the second week for posting up a new post. week 2 topic will be.... RACIAL HARMONY. and the GOOD news is we have to post two same title of enteries.
hey peeps, don't get bored out.... cause this is DR. Ben idea...but not me! hahahaa x)

when we talk about racial harmony, which countries flash into your mind first? for me, i think first get into my mind will be MALAYSIA ( which the place i was born and still living in it ) , SINGAPORE, and INDONESIA. M'sia have 3 big main races, that is CHINESE, INDIAN and MALAY. Im glad that still living in this country with harmony and peace!

Well, not to go too far...let's talk bout my own life in these new environment. studying in an International University College is a good example! in my class, there's many differrent type of classmates...we have Malays , Chinese , Indian , Sikh , Indonesian , and Tanzanian too~ many types of different people, will be hard to communicated and peace ya?
Nono...wrong! we feel comfortable , happy , lots of funs and enjoy each single day being together in this " happy noisy family class "  right guys? (:
hahaaa...we also like taking many of photoshootings! maybe mass communication student were born to have this kind of likes? or turn another way round and say that....we guys didn't have the mind to discriminate between races?

no jokes, let's picture show the truth!

we just love camwores! =3

me with my malays coursemates =)

we with d funny idiotics pose! xD

those smile on our faces shows happiness we beeing together?

Actually im just trying to say that . . . . we as a Malaysian should be glad and beeing proud having many types of races living together, what we also called as SATU MALAYSIA ( which in melay language)  a.k.a ONE MALAYSIA without wars and fighting... Also hope that our country will get out from the lately hot topic bout islam throwing home-made bombs into churches for using the word - ALAH . What if a big fight coming in future for this arguement? citizen getting hurt, loose their loves one, broken family, and etc ....

Do we want all this to be happen? most of us will not want to...so gotta live peaceful together and respect each races either religions. MALAYSIA BOLEH ! (: